Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 22nd: Leaving the Cebu and the Boat.

We are so sad to leave the Mayflower! Our stay in Cebu is at an end now. We got up early (like pretty much every other day!) this morning for our last breakfast at the Mayflower :(

We said our goodbyes to the really nice staff and to Chris who was heading to the airport later on in the morning to catch his flight back to Vancouver (poor guy had to get back to work at home for his co-op pharmacology job).

We were all packed up and ready to go by 7 am when Abi and Elisabet from Rise Above came to pick us up to take us over to the coast of Mactan Island to meet our new friend Eric from Let's Share (an exciting new not-for-profit here in the Philippines) and the boat that is taking us on a wicked 4 day tour of some of the surrounding islands.

After a long, cramped two- van journey to a really pretty little port in a bay, we loaded a classic Philippino trimaran canoe with all our luggage and shuttled luggage and people two by two over to Eric's big boat (Tory swam).

Eric's boat is the Most amazing boat ever- the classic philippino Bamboo trimaran style but instead of an oar powered canoe, it is a truck V8 powered fifty odd foot diving boat.

Once we were all settled in on the boat, we were off to head to the Camotes islands!

It was a three(ish) hour trip - we saw dolphins within the first thirty minutes and very cool flying fish all the way! Everyone could not stop talking about how excited they were as we ate dried mango and Eric turned on his boat sound system and started pumping some techno!

We arrived in Santiago bay just after lunchtime and headed to shore to grab a bite to eat- the resort was full with people who came for a massive wedding- not only were there no rooms, but there were also no tables available at the restaurant!

We met a nice military couple that had just retired to the island. Their son owns the restaurant bar, and they let us order food to their bar- we stayed there all afternoon and into the evening! Afterwards, we headed to karaoke and then started swimming back to the boat.

Megan held the flashlight for people climbing the ladder up to the ship and Hilda directed everyone to their respective sleeping areas.

What a busy day! Can't believe we woke up in Cebu this morning!

Sonia and Devon
DWC Student Team Leaders
Philippines 2010

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